Acknowledgements & Credits

The ISI Office would like to thank our ISI members and their staff, the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation, the Office of the Vice-President and Provost, the Office of the Vice-President, International, the Government Relations Office, U of T Communications, the Divisions of University Advancement and People Strategy, Equity and Culture as well as the academic divisions for their assistance in the review and editing of this report. Where possible, stories have been linked back to original articles, blog posts, images and reports. We thank all contributors for use of content. 

Report authors

Tyler Irving
Senior Research Communications Officer, University of Toronto Communications

Magdalena Sabat
ISI Officer, Institutional Strategic Initiatives

Website Design

Kohila Kurunathan
Visual Communications Designer, Institutional Strategic Initiatives

Editing and content support

Arij Al Chawaf
Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives

Ali Candib
ISI Officer, Institutional Strategic Initiatives

Stephanie Lim
Administrative Coordinator