Climate Positive Energy
Mitigating and adapting to climate change requires re-envisioning our energy systems and facilitating an equitable transition to sustainable energy. The Climate Positive Energy Research Initiative will link researchers developing social, scientific, technical, economic, and policy solutions around a common goal – supporting Canada and the world in achieving net-negative carbon emissions by 2050 while mitigating inequities in access to energy and the consequences of production.

University research can inform sector-specific actions to reach ambitious net-zero goal
Industry, governments and university researchers have distinct roles to play in advancing Canada’s clean-tech economy, a forum on reaching the country’s net-zero targets heard recently. “Roadmap to 2050 Net Zero: Building Stronger University-Industry Partnerships” was a roundtable discussion hosted by the Toronto Region Board of Trade and led by David Sinton, Engineering Professor and lead […]

New ISI ready to tackle Climate Change
Canada has formally committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 – and since 78 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions globally are related to energy, finding cleaner sources is a big part of the puzzle. Researchers at the University of Toronto have responded to this challenge by forming a new research network: the […]